In the wilderness, there is usually no ambulance to call… For injured people to come through a survival situation alive, the correct first aid must be given immediately. Your actions can make all the difference!
This 3 hour +/- class usually takes place at one of our Westchester County Park locations in New York. Exact date, time and location to be determined.
Learn the fundamentals of Wilderness First Aid and the importance of “Seeing things for what they can be and not just for what they are”. Quick thinking and improvisation with some training can save a life, that life could be your own!
We will discuss mindset and participate in the principles and hands-on skills of wilderness survival. Asses your patient, insure an airway, stop bleeding, splint a bone and recognize the most common “trail and outdoor” ailments.
You will be given a scenario… working together as a team, you will locate your patient in the woods, stabilize and evacuate them to safety and ultimately to a more definitive form of healthcare.
This class takes place completely outside so prepare for the weather and dress appropriately!
We can send you a PayPal invoice. Upon receipt of payment, you will receive registration docs and directions to camp. Bring a water bottle, bug spray / sunscreen any whatever can save a life! Also feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian.